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An Arts Field Guide to Federal Disaster Relief  helps demystify the FEMA and SBA disaster assistance
process for artists and nonprofit arts organizations. The Field Guide was created to help demystify
federal disaster relief for the arts and culture sector by helping artists and arts organizations see what’s
available, understand clearly what isn’t available, and decide if pursuing federal aid is a good use of
time. The top programs of use to artists and arts organizations have been selected for inclusion.
Available in English and Spanish
Preparedness Tips for Individual Artists
Performing & Literary Artists: Download this free [link to the new PDF] one-pager with tips and guidance
to protect your art practice and property.
Visual and Craft Artists: Download this free (Kristen, I think we have a similar one-page for visual artists,
but a search on the website doesn’t show it. Do you recall?) one-pager with tips and guidance to protect
your art practice and property.
The Arts Organizations at a Crossroads: Protecting Your Assets Toolkit offers guidance on making critical
decisions about your arts or cultural organization’s structure and resilience and how to preserve your
assets whether you are growing, stable, contracting or suspending operations. The Toolkit focuses
specifically on the organization’s overall structure and assets, rather than programming, to help you
control your own destiny.

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