Essential Guidelines for Arts Responders Organizing in the Aftermath of Disaster
In the event of a disaster affecting the arts community, artists and arts organizations may experience losses of their workspaces, equipment, files, and other valuable items. They may also be unable to attend performances or meet with other artists due to physical, financial, and emotional losses. If you are receiving phone calls from affected individuals or organizations, or if you suspect that there may be artists or groups in need of assistance, it is important to understand how you can best address their needs.
The Essential Guidelines for Arts Responders Organizing in the Aftermath of Disaster offers recommendations, models, options, and key resources developed by the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response based on years of experience helping artists and organizations before, during, and after disasters. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, organizations can use this information to determine which services they can provide to support their community. It is important to be realistic about your own organizational needs while being responsive to the needs of your community. Although organizing in a crisis can be stressful, this primer and resources from the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response can streamline the process and make it easier for you to provide assistance.