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Where to look for help and How to help others
NCAPER is here to help you by fostering relationships with emergency service providers.
The following organizations can assist with reestablishing your art practice and keeping you apprised of funding opportunities:


Coronavirus - Covid 19 - Preparedness for
Arts Sector


AFTA Webinars Navigating NEA ARP Funds 2021


FAQ - SBA Shuttered Venues Operators Grants


NEA The Art of Reopening Guide


AFTA Covid-19 Arts Resource Table 2021


Learn Your State's Creative Economy Stats


Artist Power Center


United States Regional Arts Resilience Fund


HENTF Covid-19 Resource Hub


Artist Fund


Billboard State by State Resources for Musicians


Gig Workers/Independent Contractors/Artists Qualify in CARES ACT


Pro Bono Consultation for Non-Profit Arts or Cultural Organizations in America


Emergency Funds - All Art Forms


Rauschenberg Foundation Emergency Medical Grants for Artists


Music Cares Covid-19 Relief Fund


Artist Trust Covid-19 Crisis Fund


American's For the Arts: Coronavirus Resource and Response Center


Resources for Freelance Artists


American's For The Arts: How to Move Forward


Americans for the Arts: Arts & Culture Can Prepare for Covid-19



​2020 Puerto Rico Earthquake

FEMA UPDATE: Hoja informativa diaria, 4 de febrero de 2020


FEMA UPDATE: February 4, 2020 Fact Sheet (English)


Puerto Rico Museums Mobilize to Help Relief Efforts


CERF Emergency Fund For Puerto Rico Artists Open


Governor Vasquez Declares State of Emergency


FEMA Response Puerto Rico Earthquake


NY Governor Reassigns Power Experts to Aid in Quake Response


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© 2023 by National Coalition for Arts Preparedness & Emergency Response.

© NCAPER/South Arts 2021

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